The Data

Trisomy 13 occurs in 1 of 10,000-16,000 (SOFT has it upwards of 25,000) births and the incidence increases with increased maternal age. 1

A prenatal diagnosis of Trisomy 13, before 24 weeks, is often followed with an option to terminate; a decision made by 75% in the USA and 90% in Europe. 2

Survival is miraculous

80% will not survive past the first month of life. Most will not live past the first week, regardless of medical intervention. Despite good caloric intake, many babies with chromosomal defects will show slow growth. 5% make it past a year. 1

Hope is present

Recent studies report increased survival in Trisomy 13 with medical interventions; respiratory, nutritional, cardiac, and surgery when appropriate. 2

Once a child's age is greater than a year there is a 60% chance to live beyond age 5 years. 3